Publishing Packages


Time To Publish Your Book

Now that you've finished writing your book, it's time to take your literary career to the next level. Many writers dream of seeing their book published because a book is a reflection of their hopes and dreams, and publishing is the ultimate reward for a job well done.

It is important to publish your book with a publisher that will work with you from start to finish. A reputable publisher should also have the necessary experience and expertise not only in book publishing but also in book marketing, so your book can reach the widest audience possible. Below is a list of packages we have to offer.

Publishing Packages

Please Note: The packages listed DO NOT include Freelance/Ghostwriting services. This price is determined based on the scope of the project. Please schedule a consultation so that we can further discuss your project.



1 Hour

Rs 50

  • Format paperback

  • Format Kindle E-book

  • Paperback Cover Creation

  • E-book Cover Creation

  • Creation of Amazon Publishing Account (includes setting up for royalty payments)

  • Creation of Barnes & Noble Account (includes setting up for royalty payments)

  • Amazon Paperback Publication

  • Amazon Kindle Publication

  • Barnes & Noble Publication

  • Six Searchable Keywords

  • 3D Book Mock-ups for Promotional Use



1 Hour

Rs 100

  • Format Paperback

  • Format Kindle E-book

  • Paperback Cover Creation

  • E-book Cover Creation

  • Creation Of Amazon Publishing

  • Account (Includes Setting Up For Royalty Payments)

  • Creation Of Barnes & Noble Account (Includes Setting Up For Royalty Payments)

  • Amazon Paperback Publication

  • Amazon Kindle Publication

  • Barnes Noble Publication

  • Six Searchable Keywords

  • 3d Book Mock-ups For Promotional Use

  • Professional Isbn

  • Global Bookstore Distribution Through

  • Ingramspark

  • Book Release Plans

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